Friday, July 31, 2009

How do you clean aquarium sand when you are cleaning the tank?

I cant use my siphon gravel cleaner because is sucks up the sand.
You can use the siphon once you get the proper technique. Bend the tubing a little with one had so it reduces the flow of the water. How much you'll have to crimp it will be determined on the size of the siphon and distance between the end and the sand. It takes a little while to get the hange of doing it this way, but it works!

Sand is actually easier to keep clean because all the gunk sits on the top. And many burrowing fishes will do better having sand than heavier gravel.
My first question is why are you using sand? Sand will not allow the water to flow into a filter system.If your using sand get rid of it and replce it with a small gravel. I think you will find that the water quality will be much better and you wont lose as many fish.
Can't top that first answer. But if you meant gravel, all you need do is run some fresh water in it and swish it around real good with your hands. Drain and do it twice more. The gravel rubbing against itself will give it a good cleaning. If the poo and such in the water offends you, use some surgical gloves (available at any store these days).
You remove the fish and about 2/3 of the water. then you put your hand into the sand and sift it all around. Then you take the dirty water and replace it with new water.
to answer the first guys question some times you need to use sand i have a shark and there under side is easly cut and they get infections any die i have heard of other reef fish that like sand better so it depends on the fishes needs not always what you want to put in the bottom
Why would you use sand for a freshwater aquarium. I would empty out the whole tank.

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