Friday, July 31, 2009

How do i lower my GH lower?

i have a GH of about 120. i have an oscar, parrot fish, silver dollar and a catfish (not sure what kind) in my tank that seem to do ok. i was going to devide 1foot of my 4 foot tank and put some neon tetras and guppys in there to brighten things up but i think the gh is to high so how could i lower this. also do you think it would be ok to devide and add other fish and how many should i add. i was gonna give my SD to a friend so this would also make more room for other fish. thanx for taking time to read and answer :)
All of your fish will be fine in a GH of 120. Stability is the key to a good tank. Once you start "adjusting" you are fighting to keep it there all the time.

I would not divide the tank. your oscar and parrot as well as the cat need room .

Honestly I would not divide the tank. How large is your oscar? If he is small enough, larger tetras would work, however I would not be so sure about the guppies.
The neons would be fine in that GH. I would strongly recommend you not try to adjust it. I doubt the situation would work for very long though, 3 feet of space isn't enough for an oscar and parrot to be comfortable, much less the catfish too. It's a nice idea, but I would have to advise against it.


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