Friday, July 31, 2009

How do I stop a new betta getting sick?

Two weeks ago I had a snail out break in my tank. I asked on here and many of you were kind enough to give advice. I tried the lettuce leaf and picking them out one by one, but It was getting worse. So I bought two yoyo loaches to help. The larger of the two took a dislike to my betta and had to be removed but he had split one of my battas fins. I hopre good water and time would help heal it but three days ago, cotton wool fungus started to grow on the nipped fin. I treated it straight away. But the next day he was liveless and seemed to of lost the use of the rear fins. wouldn't eat. I knew he had to get to the surfice to breath so I kept coaxing him up but he sank and eventually dround today. I'm so upset! I adore him. He was my first betta. I only had him two months. What did I do wrong and how do I stop it happening again? The tank is 5+ gall, heated, filtered, no sharp edges. 50% water change every week. Good food. I'm really gutted. How do I stop this happening again?
So sorry to hear you lost you fish, that's always a bummer. To me, it sounds like you did an excellent job taking the very best care possible of your fish. I don't think there was a think in the world anyone could have done better or could have done to save your fish. Sometimes they just die for reasons we don't know. I think you did a wonderful job and should get another betta as soon as you feel like you are ready. You already know what to do.

Try adding Melafix to his water, its a nice antibiotic and works well.
Sometimes, bottom feeding fish like loaches will just attack any other fish in the tank. I would suggest keeping the loach in a tank seperate from your other fish if possible. It sounds like you took good care of your betta; sometimes they just don't recover when they get sick.
alot of times when fish get sick you can smoosh peas and put them in the tank i heard many stories about people's fish getting better over night from it.
Sorry to hear about your Betta. Preferably they like to live alone, as they tend not to get along with others. As someone already mentioned 'melafix' good choice!. It is great for treating all sort's of diseases. Betta's are quite dominant and territorial, most likely your loaches nipped at it because of dominance. Your tank of 5+ gal sounds a little small for keeping three fish in, I would recommend at least a 20 gal if not bigger (10 gal per fish). Hope you can sort out that snail infestation. If you can send the loaches back do so, then clean the tank using bleach and water and rinse, rinse and rinse more.

Best of Luck!!

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