Friday, July 31, 2009

How do tropical fish interconnect with the ecosystem?

This is a school project and I really need your help , can anyone give me details on how tropical fish interact with the ecosystem.
Any sites I could check?
Other animals may eat the fish and the fish would eat plants , small fish or insects so they are a part of the food chain.There are also bacterias that consume the ammonia produced by fish waste if you have an aquarium so some of them probably exist in the wild also.
Try googling it. I just did it now, and there were so many cofusing sites that I just couldn't post them.

PS-I typed in "Fish interconnecting with the ecosystem."
ARe you asking how fish work within an Eco system. Well I don't know about in the wild but in a tank there is a very specific eco system. Certian types of rocks, most notably live rock, helps to balance the Ph or how acidic the water is. Live plants, live off amonia in the water. Amonia is caused by the fish waste which is bad for the fish, but good for the water. Also the not only do the plants take amonia from the water but they also oxegenate the water.

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