Monday, May 24, 2010

How much food?

can kill a beta fish. i feed it 3 times a day %26%26 poor joey(the fish) looks like hes dying...=(
That's too much. I feed my bettas every other day. Change the water every 5 days, I use spring water and buffers. Change the food monthly, it does go bad. Your betta should live about 3 or 4 years. If you have had him a few years he may be old. If he dies wash bowl with scalding hot water then dry and go get new water and a new betta. Good luck to you.
feed it at most twice a day but give him a pinch of food each time aether that or he wants a girlfriend
i only fed mine once a day and it lived well
three times a day is fine. no more than he'll eat in 3 minutes. change water regularly (every 3 days for a goldfish bowl).
Feed the your Betta once a day 3-4 pellets. You shuold also include how much you feed him 3 times a day.
if he looks ill, feed him half of a shelled cooked pea (break it up a little) the fiber will clean him out. don't feed him at all for a few days, it's okay, he can easily go a week or two w/o any food at all. cleam him out. (fish get constipated too)

around 4 pellets a day is good for a betta, sometimes as treats you might want to try freeze dried blood worms. they LOVE them, just a couple worms will do it.

joey will act like he wants more and he'll want to eat until he pops but you gotta keep the food situation under control! ^_^

good luck
Is he in a bowl or proper fish tank with filter? If it is a bowl or vase, my guess is it is ammonia poisoning because there's no filtration and insufficient water volume to sustain him.

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