Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long does it take a male fighting fish (betta) to build a bubble nest? How will I know it's done?

I have a fighting fish named Fang and a female betta named Plum. I keep trying to breed them every time I think the nest is done... but, all they do is fight. I really need help on this.
Sounds like to me that the female might not be ready. I have a male Betta (finnie) and 2 females (she-devil and rainbow) I tried rainbow with him first and it was a no go. So I put she-devil in and now I have tons of fry. Does the female get vertical lines on her sides when she is in with him? If not then she isn't ready. My Finnie built his nest for almost 2 days and then I put the female in with him. I'd say take her out for a week or so and then try again..In the meantime feed them both well and make sure they are very healthy. I have 2 web sites that I have learned so much about these beautiful fish that I will share with you. Good luck!
Add two more females and he'll eventually build a bubble nest and search for a female. When he finds a female, take out the other two females and out them in another tank. When the female lays the eggs, the male will collect them and spit them into the bubble nest. After the female has laid all the eggs, take her out and put her with the other females. After the eggs hatch and the father takes care of them, put the male back in with the other females and watch the fry grow.
You need to wait until both fish are ready. The male is almost always ready and will build a nest when he is ready to mate. The female needs to be plump with eggs and you should also see her egg spot under her belly. You can see it on this female:
It's the little white spot under her belly

You don;t have to wait until the male is finished with his nest, just so long as he seems to be trying to guild one.

One important factor is to have enough space. They need a 10 gallon to breed in so the female can escape the male from time to time.


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