Saturday, May 22, 2010

How many Bettas can i put in a 1 or 2 gallon tank?

I know not to put males together, my group will consist of 1 male and females.
You shouldn't house males and females together long term, especially in fairly tight quarters. Best to keep your group to females only. Really one would be best, but for a 2 gallon tank you could manage up to 3 if you really are dedicated to doing frequent water changes and not missing feedings.

And BTW, forget the 1" per gallon "rule" it's totally bogus, broken and without merit.

The rule of thumb for all fish is 1" of fish per gallon of water and it is advised by true fish hobbyists. It's not necessarily about the frequency of changing the water but about the amount of space fish need. They are territorial about their particular place in the tank so you don't want to overcrowd.

FYI male and female bettas also fight, not just the males.
One Betta only, no matter the gender.
One fish per gallon of water. No female or male betta should be put together in a fish tank. Look for a tank divider or something from petsmart or ebay. That way they could at least be in the same tank...
One male, or possibly a couple (maybe three) females, but that is a fairly small space for more than one or two.

The one gallon per inch rule was probably established because people are lazy about changing their water and it gives the fish a chance (I had someone get told in the five gallon tank, they could put two fish, so she wanted to put two 8 inch koi in there) Anyway...

Bettas.don't really follow that guideline though, so if you keep the water reasonably clean, and have females, it should be alright (but keep an eye on them at first, any fish can break from the norm and be a bully, even if it is unusual...but in small spaces, it's more common)
The stocking is okay so you should be fine. I hope everything goes well with you.
1 male and 2-3 females, just make sure they are females. That is as long as your tank has filtration and proper heating.
1 and only 1. You can not keep a male and a female together, they will fight like 2 males.

I tried doing that with 12g tank and it didn't work out. The female kicked the male around and ripped him up.

I now have 3 females in that 12g tank, they get along great.
As many as you can fit in the tank. It all depends how big they are.
Male bettas will go after female bettas after they spawn.
Sometimes 2 females,if no aggression,but watch frequently!!
NEVER put a male with females. Some people have been able to pull it off, but in such a small tank he will KILL the females. 3 females should be okay if you have lots of plants for them to hide in (they will nip eachother), but DONT put the male in
Either 1 Male
2 Females or in a 5 Gallon Tank
1 Male and Min 3 Females
male bettas are instinctively killers. The females will probably get along ok but if the male wants to mate and a female is uncooperative he may kill her. If he chooses one he may kill the others so he has her undivided attention. Best to put a glass divider in the tank to keep him separated from the females. Anabantids can be housed in small containers but I would put no more than 3 bettas in a 2 gallon tank.

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