Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long does it take for beta eggs to hatch?

my beta just breaded and i need to know when it is safe for me to change the water so that i dont pour out the eggs
I love this web site. It has alot of information on it and even pictures. I hope this helps!
Change the water when the eggs are full grown and out of their eggs swiming around.
Dogs rule is wrong.

Change the water once a week like normal...

I'm not sure how long it will take for them to hatch.
The eggs will hatch in about a day, give or take. Leave the male in the tank with the eggs - he will take care of the eggs and young fry until they become free-swimming (about 3 days). Don't clean the tank for a while (about 2 weeks).
they can take up to 3 days to all hatch. then for about 3 days they'll hang nose-up from the bottom of the bubble nest, unable to swim, feeding off their yolk sacs for nourishment. you don't want to do anything that might disturb the nest because they'll fall out.
you shouldn't do any tank maintenance for at least the first two weeks unless it's really really necessary. hopefully you spawned in a large enough tank and, once you need to feed them, don't feed more than they'll eat, because you really should hold off on cleaning for a bit.

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