Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long do you have to leave tap water before adding fish to a pond please?

about 24 hours or you can buy Aqua Safe a water treatment... use just a few drops to neutralize water (declorinate) and then you can use right away.
If you dechlorinate the water, then only long enough for the temperature to stabilize between the pond and the containers holding the fish.

At least 24 hours.
24 hours
room temp
If the water is dechlorinated then add fish straight away ... if not, leave for about 2 days - this should give enough time for your pond to gas off and take away chloromines etc!!
At least One Day
the pond should be running with all its chemicals and new pumps an the filter for at least 2-4weeks this is because there are important bacteria in the bio box that need to be established for the pond to run economically.
the temp should be up to heat as well and around 9-15C
you have to leave tap water 24 hours befor putting the fish in.
usually 24 hours but you can buy a conditioner to put into the pond that softens the water if you use this you only have to wait for 4 hours ask at your local fish shop,,
48 hours minimum
no time at all if you buy the store water, but tap water should be left out for 24 hours, feel the water and make sure it is cold warm enough. read up on thefish and make sure itdoesnt need a heating pad.
100 decades 4581820 secs

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