Monday, May 24, 2010

How many tanks do you have?

and what fish are in them?
I have 28 Aquariums (2) 120 gallon (15) 55 Gallon aquarium (6) 20 Gallon Aquarium (5) 10 Gallon Aquarium, No t all inside my home, most are in a shed that I converted into a fishroom.
2 betta tanks with a male betta in each.
10 gallon tank with a male betta, 3 golden danios and 3 calico platys and 1 sunset platy
30 gallon tank with 2 blue gourami and a male betta
55 gallon tank with a blood parrot cichlid, gold severum, weather loach, Jack Dempsey and a very tiny baby Oscar.
2 - 30 gallon tanks empty // wanting to do an axolotl tank with one and a fancy goldfish with the other
Empty 40 gallon long tank to move the other cichlids to when the Oscar grows :)
47 as of today, but that number changes up and down in less than a week. I have no clue how many fish are there as some of these are tanks with babies

A dozen.
I've got a 2-gallon tank with one goldfish in it, and a small rose bowl that holds 2 beautiful male guppies. (They're my 'twins' and my 'boys'.)
i have 5 tanks

1) is called the community tank becuase theres nothing but mollies, swordtails, guppies and platies in it

2)the second tank is called the fighting tank. i use it to put diffrent types of fish so they can "workout" their skills. once i put 4 bettas all males and 1 of them survived.

3) is called the breeding tank.i use it for pregnant fish( usually guppies) its 5 gallons

4)is called the the "golden" tank. only goldfish are aloud in this tank and plecos

5)is called the "tank of survival" it waz my first tank its 55 gallons and it has my favorite oscar fish and it has lived for 2 years now
1 five gallon Aqaurium containing 1 molly,1guppy,1platy,1snail,2 African Dwarf Frogs. And 2 betta tanks
125 gallon with Silver Dollars Metynnis hypsauchen and Tinfoil Barbs, Barbus schwanefeldi
38 gallon community with danios, mostly pearl danios, some blue danios and four bronze cory cats.
29 gallon community with charicins, mostly black skirt tetras, black neon tetras and four False Julii cory cats.
16 bow empty
8 29's with assorted dwarf cichlids, mostly german rams
5 20 longs with assorted dwarf cichlids, mostly very tiny (1") Kribs waiting for some 29's to open up.
2 20 highs with sunburst wag platies, more will be set up soon
assorted 10's and 20's empty.
I have three 3 fish tanks all saltwater , i have a. frogfish, triggerfish, tomato clowns , green chormis , bluefaced anglefish, gobys, harlitqueen tusk ( no, it just recaintally died
:( ) and many more.
what kind do you have if you have any fish?
Currently, I have five tanks (four salt, one fresh), two bowls, and one pond.
Two bowls:
One yellow half-moon betta named Maynard
One purplish-blue crowntail betta named Lorccè°©n

Four saltwater tanks:
1) Peacock mantis shrimp named Manny
2) Coral reef housing two cleaner shrimp named Marcellus and Ginger, a monkey shrimp named Bruno, an emperor angelfish named Livius, a blue spiny lobster named Behemoth, and three scooter blennies named Benigno, Anisa, and Thor.
3) Carpet anemones housing three percula clown fish named Achilles, Euphrosyne, and Phrixus.
4) Sea grasses housing six Northern seahorses named Pax, Solomon, Ivan, Miela, Frida, and Jia.

Fresh water tank:
Two African dawrf frogs named Franz and Adela, and fifteen neon tetras all named Herbert (they're too hard to tell apart!).

Tancho koi named Wilhelmina, bekko koi named Nigel, and shusui koi named Frank.

I also have a tank of feeder fish/crabs for Manny, but I try not to become attached to that tank. Otherwise, Manny would never get fed.
I'm hoping to add more koi to my pond, but I want to add a waterfall first and for that I'm going to have to bring the fish indoors, so the fewer the better right now. I'd also like more indoor tanks, but I don't know where I could put them!
I have 1 44g with 2 dwarf gouramis and 1 angel fish
1 20g with 2 calico platies, 2 fancy guppies
1 10g with 2sick mickey mouse platies one of which JUST had babies today!4-5 have survived so far.
1 1/2g beta tank
5 tanks: (1) 55 gallon, (1) 10 gallon, (2) 1 gallon, and (1) 1/4 gallon
i only have one tank.

its got some mollies in it as i am going to attempt to breed them eventually

lets see.
well let me put it this way over 100 species and if you includ ponds
my smallest specie is rednosed goby only 1/2 inch full grown
largest 5 feetlong longnose gar I think I need to measure my lake sturgeon to be sure

btw I do live on a farm

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