Monday, May 24, 2010

How many gold fish do u think i can put in a 10 gallon aquarium?

NONE. They'll all eventually outgrow a 10 gallon.

If you have a 10 gallon already, try some nice community tropical fish. You will need a heater for them, but they'll do much better in the confined space. Tropicals are actually easier to keep then goldfish, they don't make as much waste (poop)! Try guppies, tetras, platies, swordtails, gouramis, etc.

Good luck.
1 or 2 max by the time they get to be full grown. I have just one fantail in my 10 gallon. They'd do even better with a bigger aquarium.

There shouldn't even be 1, they will out grow it.
Right now. One. Keep in mind it will get too big for it soon.
So, what is better for you? One fish now and having to buy another tank later, or put in a couple of smaller tropicals (like a couple tetras, guppies, minnows,etc ) and have an established tank.
It's recommended that you have a least one gallon of water per inch of fish. So depending on the size of your gold fish, anywhere from 3 to 15.
if you don't want to go to the trouble of a heater, etc that tropical fish need, you can consider a betta, they are pretty, can live in unheated water, they actually don't need a lot of water but it would be fine, l had one in a 10 gal tank, only one to a tank tho, i have a 50 gal tank that my grandson left here and there is one gold fish in it. in all fairness, there had been two .*****the inch rule, l've been told two , is ok but don't forget the fish grows, the fish l have is 5" long and 2 1/2" high
I think three to four fancy goldfish will do the trick.
For what it's worth, I think you would be better off investing in a larger aquarium. It is not much price difference in 10 more gallons.
Zero. Fancy goldfish are the smallest goldfish, and they will grow to 6 inches mimimum, and often 8-10 inches. Way too big for a 10 gallon aquarium.

The one inch rule doen't apply to goldfish, they live by a 2 inch rule, they need 2 inches of water for every inch of fish.

One fancy tail goldfish can live in a 10 gal aquarium, you can put a fe in there when they are young and much smaller but you will have to move them into a bigger tank...

If you have a 10 gal that you want to get some fish in (more than one) then you should consider comunity fish, you can fit 5 or 6 mollys or platys in a 10 gal tank...

Hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!
Everyone said the norm is one per 10 gallons, but I feel that you can have at least three so they have a pal. I have 20 in a 55 gal tank and they seem fine if you keep the water clean and change the water twice a month. I also mixed them with a guppy, 3 tiger barbs zebra, a algae eater and a snail and they all live in harmony. I try this because I saw it in a pet store that advise me that they could do it because they have good filtration system, so I went out to buy a good one and it works well.
About two so at least there not alone they only grow the size of there tank and they need room to grow
**NOTE to the person making the comment about a heater -- goldfish don't need a heater, bettas do!
And the 10 gallon is very small for a goldfish. Depending on the kind you get, they grow 8 to 12 inches or more. You can start out with one, and if you are going to upsize SOON to at least a 28 gallon, get two. Otherwise I would get mollies or guppies for a 10 gallon tank. Goldfish are gross and messy if their tank is too small, and they will die a painful death.
in a 10 gal small gold fish 4 max

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