Monday, May 24, 2010
How much fish can you fit in a ten gallon fish tank?
what kind of fish? Goldfish need 10gal per fish and shouldn't be mix with any tropical fish because they are cold water fish. You have to know what kind of fish get along. Find fish that can live together, similar water condition toleration, and same diet.
If you actually want an accurate answer you would be better off deciding first just what kind of fish you want. The answer will range between 1 and 12.
1 goldfish, or 12 neon tetra's, or 8 neon tetra's and a dwarf gaurami, or 5 neon tetra's, 3 cory catfish, and a dwarf gourami, or 4 cherry barbs and a couple of mollies, or... or... or... There are hundreds of species available and most people don't keep all of the same type of fish.
You can count gallons per inch, but this only works combined with common sense and is by no means a rule that applies to all fish, or all people.
one inch of fish per gallon. ten small fish.
450 gold fish. Of course, they couldn't swin or breathe.
depends on the size of the fish?
Depending on what type of fish. We have gold fish in ours..and was told 5-8.
1 depends on how big the fish is
2 salt water or fresh water ...and...
3 are you getting any rock, plants, ect?
Two, one fish for every five gallons of water. I believe this is the volume needed to sustain life.
Ten inches of fish.
Rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water. With good filtration and aeration you can increase that to 1 1/2 or 2 inches of fish per gallon of water. So you could have 10 to 20 neon tetras or a mix totalling 20 inches.
Many factors need to be considered. How often are you willing to do water changes. What species of fish.
The 1 inch per gallon rule typically works but only with small fish under 3 inches. As a 10 inch fish would be miserable in a ten gallon tank. This sight is an Awesome source of info on the many species of fish and will tell you who can be kept with who and what their requirements are as far as temp and water valume.
best of luck to you
Depends on the type of fish you choose. 1-12 at the max the bigger the fish the less you can put in your tank (for example if the fish you want is 4" two would be the max).
1 inch of fish per 1 gallon. So 10 1-inch fish, 5 2-inch fish, 3 3-inch fish, 2 4-inch fish, 2 5-inch fish, and 1 fish 6-10 inches.
I don't know what fish your talking about but You could do like A whole bunch of nice decorations and get som small fish like 1-2 mollies, 1 cory, 1 flounder, 3 blood nose tetras. Those are some of the fish I have in my 25 gallon tank which is wickedly amazing:)
I have a 10 gallon planted aquarium in which currently thrive 2 pearl gouramies, 1 anglefish, 3 neon tetras, 2 platties, 1 khulii loach, 1 chinese algae eater, and plenty of snails. there are also shrimp and crabs. I have had this 10 gal. running for more than three years now. I also have a 20 gal. with cichlids for about 8 years. i have had no problems so far.
1 goldfish needs 10 gallons.
A betta can do well in 1 gallon.
Do you like the personalities of cichlids? The schooling tropicals? Scampering corydoras catfish? What types of fish do you like? Or at least what do you want to see: graceful movements, personality, quick swimming, schooling behaviour? You could even go with African dwarf frogs..maybe 5 of them if you want activity and something a little more offbeat.
I don't use 10g tanks for anything but fry tanks for my cichlids that have just had fry. To answer your question, I have to side with the people answering with the answers "depends on the fish". Tetras, Barbs, guppies you can generally do the inch per gallon. Cichlids? Forget it.. unless you go with dwarf species like Shell Dwellers of Lake Tanganyia in Africa or maybe an Apistogramma pair from South America. Cichlids are very territorial and require a lot of "personal space". Besides, you wouldn't want a 10" Oscar in a 10g tank, would you? No.. I didn't think so.
The 1 inch of fish to one gal water "rule of thumb" for freshwater aquariums will ensure your fish don't die of overcrowding but their quality of life will be somewhere in between an 18th century slaveship and an aging maximum security prison! I would suggest a fish that lives at least part of it's life in a stagnant pool of water like a Beta or a Rainbow Cichlid.
between 8 to 12 fish.
usually at the pet store there will be little tags next to the price that say all that information and its really helpful
10 one inch fish
5 2 inch fish
There are 2 limiting factors. Size and chemical make up. There may not be enough room in the take or there could be enough room but too much ammonia nitratt/nitrite and not enought Oxygen. Depends on the type of fish, the filtration and any plants present. COuld be 1 fish, could be 20 fish. You need to first decide on the type you want.
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