Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long do most tropical fish take to reach their mature size?

Depends on if you give them a bigger tank, they slowly but continually grow until they are too big for their tank at that point they get a growth stunt and will stop until put into a much bigger tank for a while
Depends on what type fish you got
I'm pretty sure it depends on how big of a tank you have and what species of fish you have. I just bought 3 fish the other day and they grow pretty fast. I would say they would probably take about 1 month maybe, give or take a couple weeks. And unless you have a tiny tank, they will reach their proper size!
It will take a couple of years probably, to reach their full potential. It really depends upon their diet and living conditions, and of course the breed. I have a couple of angel fish that took two and a half years to reach their adult size, and that was on a diet of bloodworms and in a full tropical tank!

Many things can affect growth and ultimate size. Try googling your breed to find out.
It depends on the fish, the conditions in the tank, the size of the tank, food, eventually diseases. But usually it needs at least half a year for the smaller species.
6 months at most...if they are healthy

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