Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long will it take for a fish to remember something...??Ex.Tap on the bowl and feed it..?

It really depends on the fish, some respond faster than others. I would say somewhere around 2-3 weeks would probably do it if you try the "trick" several ties everyday.

Not sure - but don't tap! The vibrations are very stressful which makes the fish more susceptible to diseases (usually ich).

Most fish will learn when when you come by that it's feeding time and get excited when they see you.
depends on teh type of fish. goldfish, for example, are really smart and easy to train. my sister's took a few times to get teh idea, but after that- he'd come up every time someone tapped on teh bowl.
I trained my fish with fish school and it took my fish about a month to learn tricks. However with a simple thing such and tapping the bowl and feeding the fish it will only take about a week or two.
It took our goldfish a month to learn that when I walk into the room to swim the closest corner of their tank and start making "kissy faces" and they will get fed...

We bought 3 new ones, and my originals taught the new one in 2 days.
I like to teach my animals things too. When I feed my fish, I hold the food up where they can see it, turn on the light, and then put the food in. I know it's stupid.but as soon as they seen the food, they look for the light. When the light goes on, they loko for the food. It takes me fish about 2-3 wekks to learn, depending on what kind they are. Some fish never learn and never care.

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