Monday, May 24, 2010

How many guppy can I keep in 1.5 gal fish tank? can I keep a small frog in there too? how about female betta?

I would say you could keep 3 guppies and a small frog, or a small frog and a female betta. Are you refering to african dwarf frogs? I agree with ensuring you have good aeration. It is also going to be imperitive that you do constant (every 3-5 days) water changes of 20%. Due to a lot of inbreeding, guppies just aren't the hardy fish they used to be, and too much of any of the dangerous toxins created by theri waste can be really harmful to guppies. As for them having babies and overpopulating... it can be really cool to experience the birth fo the babies, without worrying about overpopulation. In a tank that small, it is likely most of the babies will get eaten anyway, if they dont you can remove them and feed them to something or give them to your LFS. males aren't necessarily prettier than females, I have some gorgeous females! I do agree though that you need at least 2 females for each male, so if you got 3, get one male two females... because he will bug the females constantly, and its best if he can divide his effort between two females. the dwarf frog won't eat your fish either, just dont put in a bullfrog... he will. good luck :) If you have any questions let me know
I was recommended to have only an inch of fish per gallon of water in my aquarium. In general, for a 1.5 gal fish tank I would say one or two guppies since they grow to about 1.5 inches. Hope this helps.
if you have an aerator.about 7 guppies if you

want them to feel comfortable...10 can be but

they will not feel that comfy.yes you can keep a small frog

but be sure to lessen the number of guppies...

as for the female betta...sure.why not...!!!

good luck
my auntie mixed in a frog and it ate all the fish so i wouldnt put one in but its up to u !
1.5 is a very small tank- I would stick to 1/2, perhaps three at most. You'll need to check and change the water religiously in such a small tank, but if you do that you could keep a frog as well. However- be careful to pick one that won't harrass the guppies, and only put it in if your tank has a lid- they jump!

With the guppies, make sure you don't get one male, one female, they breed worse than rabbits, and your tank will quickly overcrowd, as well as it being extremely stressful for the female fish to be constantly chased about. If you stick with two, I'd suggest all males, particularly as they are prettier!
Well,you can have maybe onee male and about 4 females.Or if you dont want them to breed, maybe 5 or so females.Guppies dont need to much space.If the tank is too small, maybe 3 or 4 female guppies.Hope I helped!(if you have a female and male, you might need a bigger tank, they will breed a lot!)

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