Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long should I wait when introducing a betta to two platys until the betta stops chasing them around?

my betta was in a 20 gallon tank with 2 platies,2guppies and one dwarf gourami. I had to remove him because he nipped the guppy's tail(male show guppy-long flowy finnage-didn't bother the female) He was absolutely fine with the platies though.Here is a link to show you what type of fish you can put your betta in with (fish have different personallities so this chart is just a guidline) If you are putting a betta in with other fish, introduce him last, otherwise he thinks the whole tank is his territory
Bettas are naturally aggressive,they might not be best playmates! And I think platys are kinda aggressive too>
your betta will EAT them! GUARANTEE! Bettas cant be w/ any other fish, sorry did they not tell u this when u bought. they have to b separate. Itll eat ther bellies out, gross, sorry.
I always thought that Bettas were to be kept in a bowl by themselfs, because they are known as a fighting fish. I've never seen them with other fish.
If it's a male betta, then you cannot keep it with them. If it's a female betta, you could put it in, but she might nip at the fins.

Despite the obviously very popular myth, bettas are not aggressive fish and usually will not do serious harm to tank mates.

Give them about a day together to calm down, but of course if you see serious damage before then separate the fish. Just because bettas are supposed to be very peaceful doesn't mean there isn't the occasional bad boy in the batch, so do watch them.

dont put to male bettas together the male is the long finned one they will fight and watch what other fish you put with them because the other fish might start picking on the bettas finns and cause stress or death. i've had over 30 betta at one time.
a mess. good luck
I keep my beta in a community tank and he does fine. The previous betta I had ate everything, though. I guess it depends on the individual fish's temperament.

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