Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long until I see my goldfish get better from bladder disease?

By bladder disease, do you mean it is swimming upside down, or can't right itself and swim normally?

If it is an ornamental goldfish (the short, egg-shaped kind) it's a crap-shoot if it will might, but it's one of those helpless situations where you can only wait and see. The swim bladder inside them has basically stopped functioning as it should, and it gets over-inflated. This can be because of bacterial infection, or they may actually be constipated. The fish normally expel excess air from the swim bladder through the digestive tract, so if they are impacted, they can't get the excess air out and start to float with no control over their orientation.

Possible remedies are to make sure that the water is clean and properly balanced, and I've heard of trying to feed the fish pieces of peas to try and "clean them out" (if constipation is the problem), or just don't feed it for a day or so and see if it clears up. If it does, it's a good indication that the digestive tract is causing the problem, and you need to adjust its diet and how you feed it to prevent this from returning.

You may also want to try feeding it some medicated food for combating bacterial and parasitic problems with the fish, as internal parasites or infection may be causing the problem. Jungle makes some good medicated foods.

Also, putting the fish in a shallow tank while treating it will make it easier on the fish. The attached links have lots of info regarding swim bladder disease.

Good luck
probley a long time.
pretty soon. you should go check up on him at the pet hospital just to make sure.
Send him down the pearly drain..
it depends on how badly he has it and of course what you are doing for him-have you put a little aqarium salt or what?
Goldfish tend to die with SBD. What are you treating him with and for hwo long, it usually takes 10-12 days for them to recover if they do recover.
I'm sorry but
Do goldfish have bladders?
How exactly do you know your goldfish has bladder disease????
I'll try and diagnose the problem over the net.

Does he/she suffer incontinence?
If so, does he/she wear pads?
Is he/she of a mature age?
Has an ultra sound been conducted?
How long has the symptoms been noticeable?
Do you encourage lower muscle exercises?
Have you had blood tests?
Has he/she made a will?

Please get back to me on these important questions so I can sell sorry give you some much needed medication.
My goldfish has a swim bladder problem. Is that the same thing? I know she gets stressed or to much air from her food in her stomach and she will float. She will have a horrible time swimming and then she will give up and float on her back at the top of the tank for like 20 minutes. If you tap on the tank she will try and swim, just takes so much out of her. I feed her peas to help her. Not sure if this is the problem. Sorry
I did a write up on swim bladder problem which you might want to read ...

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