Sunday, August 2, 2009

How long are betta females pregnant?

i am pretty sure now that i have a female. Ty to everyone who answered me. I bought my betta bout 2 mo. ago from a pet store and the guy didn't know anything about bettas, so if my betta is dropping little white and clear balls is she laying eggs or could something else be wrong? Or if she is laying eggs how many do they usually have?
Female Betta's don't technically get pregnant. They lay eggs and those eggs must be fertilized by a male when they are laid before they will hatch. Sometimes a female will drop eggs even without a male available, but those eggs are of course infertile. Bettas usually have around 100 eggs.

I think the fry spawn from the eggs after a week or so.
males have the eggs!! for information go to this website
Do more web research. If you do have a female and she is expelling eggs,the she is egg-bound and probably very uncomfortable. Look up spawning Anabantids on the net. That should get you started.
Your female Betta is full of eggs but without a male you can't have any fry. When Betta's spawn they can have up to 500 fry. It is normal for this to happen if there is no male present. You could do a google search for Betta's and find some awesome info on them. Here are a few I found for you.
Males do not have the eggs they care for them.
A female does not get pregnant they spawn (lay eggs) typically in a bubble nest made by the male. if no male is available then the female will open spawn (spawn where ever)
the eggs are not viable without a male. as far as how many eggs that really depends on how old the female is the younger ones will not have as many eggs as a mature one and of course the older the get the fewer they will have.

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