Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can you make a goldfish live?

All of the goldfishes I've ever had die within a few days.Yes I do feed them. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong!!!
If he's in a bowl, that's what your doing wrong...
use fresh water
What kind of tank do you have? What kind of water? If it's from tap, make sure there's no chlorine in it; you can let tap water settle for 24 hours to get rid of chlorine, or buy products that will make your water safe for goldfish.
Don't feed them too much. A pinch every third day or so is plenty.
Check water parameters. Hardness, Alkalinity, Nitrate and Nitrite, Ammonia, pH, etc.
There's a lot more to keeping fish alive than just feeding them.
Do you have a filter in the tank.? Filters provide oxygen to the fish, which they need to live. Don't overfeed the fish either, or they can die.
You may be feeding them to much. When you get them make sure they have enuff swimming space a place to hide like a shell or fake chest. and feed them in the morning or when every the pet store says to feed them...
First off you'll need a big tank(Goldfish grow big!) Then fill it with water, attach a filter and alow the tank to run for a week. The add 1 fish a week until you have the amountof fish you need. This will create a biological system to form in your tank. Which is essencial for healthy fish. When cleaning the tank you'll need to only remove 1/3 of the water. Good luck!
I had a goldfish that lived for 2 years and I only fed it about once a week I think that is the key just don't feed very often
tell them that they matter
First pick good fish don't just take what the person puts in the bag. Next - duplicate the living conditions the fish had before you brought it home. Last - don't overfeed it fouls the water displacing oxygen and the fish can't breathe.
You need to aerate the water. Buy a small air pump, some clear tubing, and an airstone. Fish need oxygenated water to breathe. You may also consider a small filter of some type. (I am assuming that you just have them in a fish bowl.)
If you have a filter and they are dying, you might want to check the bacteria levels in the water as well as the pH level. There are kits for all of that at the pet store.
If you are putting goldfish into tap water, the chlorine and chloramine is also killing them. There are water treatments that remove those additives from water, making it more like fresh water in lakes and rivers. These additives are available at most pet stores and usually you only have to add a few drops per gallon of water you want to treat.
Goldfish are very hearty and can survive in poor water conditions, but without oxygenated water they will only live until the oxygen in the water is depleted.
ask yourself these questions:
is my tank at LEAST 10 gallons?
is the water drinking water (or tap water treated with water conditioner )?
do i make weekly water changes (changing the water about 25-35% every week)
do i have a good quality filter (bio-wheel penguin, eclispe, emporer, etc)?
did i check the goldfish health and treat it if they were sick?
did i feed them at least 2 times a day with good quality food FOR goldfish?
if you said no to all of these then this is why. i hope next time you get a goldfish then they will live log healthy and learn to love you ^^
My first question would be where are you buying your fish? Don't buy from walmart and expect them to live.

Secondly, a cycled tank or pond is your friend. Filter and good water quality. Gold fish are very easy fish to care for. I would have to say, your tank wasn't ready for fish when you bought them and or you bought too many at one time.

Goldfish need lots of dissolved oxygen. This only comes from water moving against air like filters, waterfalls, powerheads, waves etc. Bubble wants and hoses do nothing to add this to your tank.

Also, gold fish need a high protein and fiber low fat diet. Since they do not have stomaches, they really should be feed 2-3 times per day.

If you are still having problems feel free to email me

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