Friday, July 31, 2009

How do i set the mood for my fish to "get jiggy with it"?

i have 2 bala sharks 2 zebra lookin fish 2 algae sucker fish and 1 orange chiliad or however you pr nounce it I would love some new little fishes swimmin around i hav no clue how to tell which r male or female so yea but im sure one of the pairs have to be please help
if i were you , i would forget about trying to raise any egg laying fish , other then a convict chiclid (wich is easy , add male , and female with water, and cave ) keep up good wtaer condidtions, and wait.. if you want to see baby fish , go with a live bearer like guppys, or molly, or platy's all wich birth live little swimmers.. every 20-35 days. soon you will have more fish then you know what to do with ..
Trying to recreate the fishes natural enviroment works good
If your zebra looking fish are Convict Cichlids then the little ones could be from them. They are very easy to breed. When they do breed they become very territorial and could cause some damage to other fish in the tank. The zebra looking fish could also be a Nyasa Blue Cichlid or Zebra Cichlid also called Metriaclima Zebra or Pseudotropheus Zebra for scientific name.
Well first off you need to know if you have males and females. Secondly you need to know if they are of mature age to even produce eggs.

Your algae fish more than likely won't reproduce in the tank. your bala sharks if still small are more than likely not old enough to reproduce and your zebra's if old enough will do it on their own. different fish have different requirements for breeding.

If you are still having problems feel free to email me.

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