Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do I get my pleco to grow fast?

My suckerfish is growing at an amazing rate and I want to know how to get him to grow even faster.does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should feed him??
Warmer water will speed up the metabolism, allowing you to feed more and increase growth. You should know, however, that such forced growth is not healthy for the fish in the long term. The smart thing to do is simply take good care of your fish and allow him to grow naturally. can't change the growth rate of a fish. Or any animal for that matter. Unless you give growth hormones (which are only given to people), they will grow as fast or as slow as they want to.
I wouldn't try to force the issue, as long as he's growing well now, you are doing all the right things. Forced rapid growth is usually terrible on the fish and leads to a very early death.


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