Friday, July 31, 2009

How do I make coral from the ocean okay for my freshwater fish tank?

I picked up some coral and shells out of the ocean and I want to put them in my freshwater tank. What do I need to do to sanitize it? Thanks in advance!
You should not do that at all, because it increases the calcium in your water and probably makes the pH and KH higher. Especially fish from the south american area who like water with low pH and KH this could be deadly, so please leave those corals wouldn't look natural anyways..!
Shells should be fine - as the other response stated the coral may play with your PH.
no matter how much you rince the coral and shells will always contain salt water traces wich wouldn't hurt you fish it might actually help but there are many dieses that will hurt your fish but not the ocean ones, unless you want to deal with your fish dieding i wouldn't subjust it. And those other people about the ph are right to. Just troubles!
I wont do it if I were you because the shells might change te chemistry in your aquarium. I would try getting the shells in the petstore.
First off, the increased calcium is not harmful to your fish. I will caution you with regards to adding these items to your tank for the main reason it will increase your PH.

To clean them1/4 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water (no exact measure ments here) soak for a day, remove rinse and soak in dechlor water for a couple of hours (the dechlor you use in your fish tank water) rinse and put into your tank.
Keep an eye on your PH levels.

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