Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can you tell male bettas from female?

Males are more flashy then females. They usually have longer tails and are usually more vibrant in color.

And no...the other poster is wrong, males don't just come in blue, green or red. They come in an ARRAY of colors. I currently have a dark red, a white and a multi-color (pink, purple, blue, turquoise) there are also many different types of "tails" the males sport.

MALES get along fine with all other fish as well...mine have been around cory's, snails, and ghost shrimp. The only fish they don't do well is like angel fish or fancy tailed goldfish...stuff that have long fins as they mistake them for other bettas
they wear their hats on
males have big long tails
and they are prettier than the females
because they are so colorful
males are bright. (red, blue, shiny green)they also have longer fins. and females are dull colored. often white with touches of color to them.
male's have all the laceyfins, females don't
the female wears her lipstick and carries an handbag
The males are always prettier than the females. bigger fins, more colorful.
the males are the ones with the long flowng tails and bright colors. The females have short stubby fins and aren't very colorful at all.

Beta are similiar to peacocks, the male get all flashy to impress the ladies.

As a side noote, the females get along fine with other fish.
The Male betta's are really pretty all differnt colors with big tails and fins and when they are showing off the show them off
when people say"males have longer fins" sometimes this is not true.My old beta female had very long way to tell is about 1 out of every 200,000female betta fish have this, check under the belly, if there is 2 little skinny fins there, it's a boy!

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