Friday, July 31, 2009

How do worms make babies?

i mean, come on, they dont even have weenies!
You might want to look at a website called I found the following bit of information:

The Reproduction of Earthworms

Earthworms may reproduce biparentally (by exchanging genetic material with another worm of the same species only) or uniparentally (no sexual fertilization by another worm takes place). The method of reproduction is characteristic of the species (that is both methods of reproduction are not normally found in the same species - but relatively little is known about this). Where biparental reproduction occurs (dew worm and manure worm), both male and female organs occur in the same animal and are cross fertilized by the other worm (of the same species only) simultaneously. Both worms will then produce cocoons (capsules). In uniparental worms, some internal mechanism triggers production of an ovum, which is then released as a cocoon, which develops into a mature worm.

Normally each cocoon produces 1 or 2 worms (but as many as 11 in the manure worm). Depending on the species, it takes from 3 weeks to a year to reach reproductive maturity.

I practice Vermicomposting which is feeding most of my vegie and fruit scraps to my worms in a "Worm Bin."

I hope this helps you.
The same as any other animal would!?!?
they don't. they make worms.
hmm. i dunno. maybee they offspring or some thing lol good question!
good luck~~~
i believe they have both sexual organs. this is bringing back the information i had stored all the way from third grade so i could be wrong.
This is so weird, I was thinking the same thing last week and you motivated me to check it out.
Worms have both male and female reproductive organs, they do mate and each come away with a cocoon of eggs.
Something else I learned and was always told different is that if an earthworm is cut in half, they can grow back. It used to upset me when digging and I cut a worm in half.
Depends on what kind of worms.If you are thinking of earthworms it's really kinky,and bisexual,look it up.

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