who discovered this fact and how could they tell?
IT IS time for the scales to fall from our eyes: scientists have claimed not only that goldfish have a memory span of up to three months, but that they can also tell the time.
The fish, previously believed to have a memory of just a few seconds, can distinguish between different times of day and can also be taught to follow a routine, according to research.
Scientists at Plymouth University have successfully trained the fish to collect food at particular times of day, showing the popular notion of the three-second memory to be very fishy indeed.
The findings add to a growing body of evidence that fish are much more sentient and intelligent than had generally been assumed.
Recent research has suggested that fish feel pain when they are caught on a hook, can be manipulative and socially aware, have long memories and are able to recognise their shoal-mates.
The research, led by Phil Gee of Plymouth University, has added a sophisticated body clock to the piscine intellect. In his experiment, goldfish were placed in a bowl in which they were fed only when they pressed a lever. The fish rapidly learnt that pressing the lever produced a food reward.
Once they had been trained in this way, the researchers set up the lever to work for just one hour a day. The fish soon became wise to this, and learnt to press the lever at the same time every day to feed. “The fish worked out that if they hit the lever around that time, they would get some food,” Dr Gee said. “Their activity around the lever increased enormously just before the set hour when their food was dispensed.
“But then if no food came out, they stopped pressing the lever when the hour was up. It shows that they are probably able to adapt to changes in their circumstances, like any other small animals and birds.”
The study could have implications for fish farming, Dr Gee said. He suggests that it should be possible to train trout and salmon to swim to feeding stations on certain signals, making it easier for farmers to monitor and harvest their stock.
I dont know.that is such a good question!!
its not totally true. goldfish can be trained to remember colours.
they put 2 different lights in a tank at opposide ends and put food around one. then the goldfish would remember which light gave them food and go to that light when there was no food there.
They don't - it's a myth.
I don't believe that unless its instinct for a fish to see you with food and go to the top to get it.
coz they were examined in 1549 by sir goldstein which is where the name goldfish is derived from too.
Why do you want to know?
sorry, can you repeat the question? i forgot.
i was alwase told they had a 3 second memory but i dont think it is true as they alwase go wild in the tank when i shake the fish food pot before i feed them
Sorry what was the question
It was assumed ALL fish had very short memories because fishermen would catch one..toss it back..and it would bite the hook again. But here is the latest:
Many, including this BBC Goldfish Quiz, believe goldfish have only a three-second memory. Alas, this is incorrect. Nevertheless, we were interested to learn that if you keep a goldfish in a dark room it eventually turns white, and the correct term for a pregnant goldfish is "twit."
The Mad Scientist notes that if you tap on the tank before feeding your goldfish every day, the goldfish will eventually learn to look for food immediately after the tank-tapping. This kind of "classical conditioning" indicates goldfish have some memory.
Dr. Karl seconds that emotion, citing anecdotes of goldfish responding happily to their owner's faces, while hiding in their tiny castles when confronted with strangers. And while goldfish were domesticated in China roughly a thousand years ago, they still swim in schools, and thus have some learned social behavior.
The MythBusters TV show taught some goldfish to swim through a maze, noting that their time got better on each successive run. And an interesting response to the AnswerBag Forum describes goldfish memory as "selective" -- they have a general idea of what happened on a previous occasion, they're just not sure what. We empathize
We don't know, according to research they can be trained to do things at certain times of the day, see link below:
If they only had 2 second memory's they would be useless for advertising Sky TV, as they would be unable to tell if a 3 second film was being repeated over and over.
Good question I was pleased to find this link:
This is the article that Barb R copied
Why do people have to lie on here? Gary J didn't get that from 'life' he got it from the same place as I did.
If you watch the show Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel they answered this question. Yes they have a longer memory. They trained the fish by putting food in a specific area of the tank and later the fish remembered to return to that same location.
Because we .. er, what was the question again?
im a goldfish,what was the question again???
It hasn't been proven, its a possibility according to scientific tests.
that's not true
its just a fake myth spread around. i guess someone just came out of nowhere and didn't like a goldfish and said dat they had a 2 second memory
I dont know. What was the question again?
Its a total myth and mis-conception and mis-leading information by novices.
Many, including this BBC Goldfish Quiz, believe goldfish have a perfect memory. If you tap on the tank before feeding your goldfish every day, the goldfish will eventually learn to look for food immediately after the tank-tapping. This kind of "classical conditioning" indicates goldfish have some memory.
Dr. Karl seconds that emotion, citing anecdotes of goldfish responding happily to their owner's faces, while hiding in their tiny castles when confronted with strangers. And while goldfish were domesticated in China roughly a thousand years ago, they still swim in schools, and thus have some learned social behavior.
The MythBusters TV show taught some goldfish to swim through a maze, noting that their time got better on each successive run. And an interesting response to the AnswerBag Forum describes goldfish memory as "selective" -- they have a general idea of what happened on a previous occasion.
Sorry , what was the question again ?
Sorry, forgotten the question
Barb R, the correct name for a pregnant goldfish is a twat not a twit lol, bless.
A little test to prove this is true and garenteed to work is to tell your fish somthing,2 seconds later ask it what you said and it wont be able to tell you.
It has been scientifically proved that they DON'T have a bad memory.
This myth has been disproved several times on TV.They can be taught to negotiate a maze,to recognise the person who feeds them and to know what time of day they get fed.
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