Friday, July 31, 2009

How do you change a fresh water fish tank?

Here are a few steps for cleaning:

* Unplug your heater so that it will not crack if the water level drops more than 1/3 of the way down the heater. This is best done 20 minutes before you begin changing water. Make sure and plug the heater back in after adding water

*Make sure and wipe down the sides of the aquarium with an aquarium scrubber that is used ONLY for the aquarium to avoid contamination. Try and remove unsightly algae and especially any slime or mold (rinse this off in a sink)

*Use this time to change filter media that NEEDS changing, do NOT go overboard and change all media or you risk destroying your aquarium鈥檚 bacterial colonies needed for removal of ammonia, nitrites, ECT. HOB filters should have a second filter cartridge either in the filter or in the water column of the aquarium to allow for bacteria to form on this new cartridge before replacing the old one. If your HOB Filter has a sponge, bio grid (such as a VitaLife HOB filter , or bio wheel; you only need to rinse these off in de-chlorinated tap or used tank water and there is no need to prepare a second cartridge before changing the old one.

*At this point you should change your water using a gravel vacuum, siphon, or similar method.

For much more including different methods and reasons for water changes, I recommend reading this article:
I do not believe that your question is clear!

what exactly are you asking?
it's not so hard cleaning the tank, you only need to provide it with filters and the water'll definitely be clear. once a month you should clean the filter sponge and change 1/3 of the water, by using syphon or even bucket, just don't stress the fishies...
good luck

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