Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can you encourage a male betta to build a bubble nest?

I have a male betta and a female betta and I want to breed them, but the male won't build a bubble nest. What should I do?
It's possible he's too young. If not, then give him very clean water and make sure it's in the 80F + range of temperature. Some males will only build a nest when they see a female or even only after the female is added to the tank.

As the male gets to recognize the female, then he'll start to build it. Make sure they are the only ones in the tank.
Put the male's bowl next to the female's - so he can see her.
maybe your male is not sexually mature yet and that is why he is not blowing a nest. bettas also prefer water that is still (remember they originated in rice patties, standing water)look for a filter system that does not disturb the surface of the water. if you are breeding them you should have them in at least a 10 gallon tank, as the male can be quite aggressive even to a female and she should have room to get away from him if needed. add a few plants that can float around the top of the tank, that he might be able to attach his bubble nest to. if he builds one and you are lucky enough to get them to mate, dont be alarmed, you will see the female shoot eggs in the nest, and if they fall out the male will pick them up from the bottom and place them back into the nest. he will also do that once they hatch for a few days until they start swimming on their own..once they do get them out before he eats them!! oh, and a good diet will help them breed, have you tried live brine shrimp? if not bettas love them and they are a good source of nutrients..good luck!
Usually it's because he is too young.
Try feeding him heavily on live foods and then it will build it's bubble nest.
You can't. They usually do that on their own.
Sometime the present of female (or even another male) will encourage a male to build a bubble nest. But another point to note is that of your water hardness. Try adding some portion(depends of the size of your tank) of Dried Indian Almond leaf to soften the water, so that the bubbles will stay easier.

Good Luck, Pal.
Well, it's mating season for betta's right now. So, if your betta won't build a nest, he feels that it's not a very good enviroment to raise a family. If you want him to build one you have to pamper him. Put plants in the tank like leaves from a bouqet a flowers you bought so then he'll build the nest unermeaith it. Or, take a foam cup, cut it in half and put it on top a the tank. It will float but, he'll build the nest under it too. Clean the tank every week but when you see him make a nest don't change the water or you'll destroy it. Feed him blood worms every other day, like feed him one day then don't the next feed him. But if he doesn't make one by the end of the month or middle of next month... your betta still may not feel comfortable in the size of the tank, it's water,or that theres no plants. To add one more thing DO NOT i repeat DO NOT put the female and the male or male and male together or else they'll kill eachother. Also that your fish can't be too young to mate and that he's not sick. I'm not wrong about this in case your thinking, I have betta fish on my own and have done A LOT of reaserch on breeding them. One more thing don't over feed them on live food or any other food or ellse you'll kill him.

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