Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can I tell if my female batta fish is ready to spawn?

I have a male and a female. They have seen each other for about 3 weeks. He is no longer slamming into the side of his tank. They both just look at each other and are back to blowing bubbles. (He was blowing nests till we put her near him. Now he is just blowing random bubbles.) How can I tell how old she is? The pet shop where we got her is not help. They say they are not even sure what supplier they got her from. One said the maturity is based on size alone. If so ... what size? Very confused.! Brendonn
What you will be looking for is the male blowing bubbles and building a nest. The female should be fat and heavy looking with a small white bump under her belly called an egg spot. Once you are to that point it will be time to put them together. Since your male is not blowing bubble like he was before, place them where he can't see her for a few days. Give him a good water change in the breeding tank and then watch for more bubbles place them where he can see her for about a day before putting them together for breeding. If you need more info on betta breeding feel free to drop me an email.

Do a search for Beta Fish and go ..."Beta fish-Breeding Beta fish and Care for Beta Fish".it will answer all your

The correct spelling is Betta
Seriously, they can't be judge based on size. Only breeder can tell you the exact age of their fishes. Betta from the same spawn can vaires in size even before they mature, it all depends on it's aggresiveness, aquarium size and feeds. Jugging is also a main factor to growth.

Wat you can do is by your own experiences and try not to get pairing that are not too different in size-males needed to be slightly bigger than the females (for mating purposes).

When females shows the vertical lines, they are ready to spawn.

Good luck, Cheers.
I had to seperate my Betta's for about a week and then when I reintroduced them the male saw the female he started blowing bubbles like crazy! My female aslo wasn't very big and showed no signs of having eggs but they spawned. Go to and check out the info there. Good luck and happy spawning:)

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