Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can u tell if a african cichlid is a male or a female?

like on half of my cich i see dots on there bottom fin
It really depend what type of cichlid you have,maybe you could update this with the names if you know them.If you look up the profiles on these web sites it might be of some help:
If it's holding a remode control, it's a male. If it's holding a new pair of shoes, it's a female.
Pull down their pants.
Some pictures may help us to give you an accurate answer, but from the limited articles I have read on Cichild's is that the males colors are more prominant. I know there is more to it then just that, but I have not read or kept any Cichild's up to this point, so my knowledge is fairly limited in this dept. Pictures would definetly help or at least the species in question. I am confident you will get some other good leads and tips from other answers as well
between the legs..
need i say more?
the more colorful ones are female, the duller ones are male.
Different fish are sexed differently. With mouth brooding cichlids the males usually have alot more eggs spots or "dots". They look like their eggs and are used to distract the female from the real eggs so the male can fertilize them before she eagerly puts them in her mouth. It would be alot of help if you told us what type they are. Also find out what kind of cichlid you have and google breeding lemon drop cichlid for example. Also males are more colorfull. Trust me. I've been keeping and studying fish of all species for years now.
Hope I helped!!!

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