Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can I keep my Bettas from dying?

I have 2 male betas one is in a little tank and the other is in a 1/2 gallon bowl,I had 2 gold fish that died today,i don't know why,I changed the water yesterday,and tonight they just died,well now i am really scared that my betas are gonna die too,i feed them twice a day,sometimes 3 but that only when i fed them less,I am using sprig water,with the Ph adjuster of 7.0,but i know that the water is not warm enough for them but what can i do to protect them from having the same sad destiny as my goldfish :(,what can i do to keep them safe?I would love to get some help here,i love animals to much and today it was the very first time that an animal died under m care,please help me some body,so I can keep those little guys safe...
Thank you soooooo Much
wrong wrong wrong.i can not explain why the gold fish died, possibly bad water and that is where i would start when getting new fish. always set up ur tank and filters and heat before bringing home fish make sure evrything is rinsed clean before not use cleaning agents just warm water. goldfish thrive in cold water, but need filtration and weekly cleaning. i bought some ten cent feeders about 2 years ago and kept them in a 10 gallon until now. just so you know i kept 8 goldfish who were 2" long in a tiny 10 gallon for over 6 months with no problems at all. it made the tank dirtier, but i kept them on a scheduled cleaning habit. do not worry about ph tabs or any of that for yur bettas and goldfish they are both very hearty fish. the main thing you must do is get some "water safe" it is a chemical that you add to te tap water to make it safe for fish to use. u use this for every new tank and every wtaer change that you do. if still having prob then have it tested. you may not want to be drinking it at this

ok on to bettas. unfortunately you can not put males with any other fish even if you have herd diferently. i suggets getting each betta one of those little 5 gallon tanks taht have the built in filters already. i think you can find them at walmart. they do need filtration and they must have heat. i keep my bettas at 80 degrees which seems perfect for them. and i feed mine once a day a variety of foods from the pellets to live blood worms. with just one in the tank you will want to feed them just a tiny pch and remove any uneaten food. at first tehy are picky eaters but after time with regular scheduled feedings they will get ravenous and start to expect you which is cool.

all of my fish will line up waiting for food. nothing funnier than sitting here at my pc and getting that feeling that someone is staring at me then i look to my left and see 16 goldfish eyes staring at me waiting for food. by the way if you do go goldfish again..i eventually moved my 8 into a 30 gallon tank which is plenty of room for them.

good luck
I've found you two care sheets, please look at them:

Good luck with them!
Goldfish die really easily, but bettas are a lot more hardy. All you need to make sure of, is that your bettas don't jump out of their bowls. Keep on taking care of them as if nothing happend. If they do die (I highly doubt it), take a small sample to the vet or the pet store, and they'll hapilly test it for you for free. Good luck =]
It sounds like you are doing all the right things, especially not putting them in tap water. Bettas are pretty rugged fish actually. Unless you got some kind of weird bacteria in your water or something, they should be fine. When I got my last betta it came with an instruction sheet that said FEED VERY SMALL AMOUNTS ONCE EVERY OTHER DAY. I used to feed my other ones everday though. So, I don't know! I have had Bettas ever since I was a little girl and they amost always live a long time, even better than goldfish. One warning: Don't fill their bowl too full cuz they will jump right out. That happened twice now and those are the only early Betta deaths I can remember =/ I hope your fish are ok!!
PS...My Bettas water always feels cold to me, but then again...I live in CA and not maybe the air temp is warmer??? Maybe you could try putting their bowls under a lamp.
Betta are same as goldfish in the way of not needin any heat. Also try a water conditioner when changing the water to remove chlorine. Goldfish sometimes are hard to keep. The ammonia levels are high. Cannot have alot of goldfish in one tank and no other type of fish except a pleco (cleaner fish) in with them. Other fish are not able to adapt to the ammonia levels goldfish produce. So keep population low and slow down the feedin to once a day. THIS WILL RAISE HARMFUL BACTERIA. I know the food bottle says to feed that often but its a lie. Warm water helps this grow, so no warm water for goldfish. Bettas are ok with warm or room temp water. The heater should not be set for bettas above 73 degrees. You probably know that 2 male bettas cannot be togethet. The code for goldfish is 1 and a 1/2 inches of fish per gallon of water in tank or bowl. If there is a few golds in a 1/2 gallon thats only like 1 maybe 2 golds and no betta with them. Try aqua plus from petstore, its a conditoner that helps keep the ammonia down. Dont do constant water changes either, its stressful and removes any good bacteria you may have. Cycle is a good product to use with aqua plus. Cycle adds good bacteria into tank after water changes ( I think it needs to be kept in the fridge).
Please don't treat your fish so badly. i know why your goldfish died and why your bettas will die.

I could type a novel on how to care for those fish but will keep it simple for you.

Goldfish are a waste of space, they need large tanks, 10g per goldfish or they die. They need a good filter and no heater, easy.

Bettas, they need to be warm being tropical and all. Keep them around 75-80 degrees and they do best in a minimum of 3g of water

Below is a link with all the great info I am too lazy to type. Take of your bettas and they will live for 3+ years maybe as long a 7 if your good and lucky.

Ignore my callous and cynical remarks. They are often
the 1st thing that comes to mind when I see "my
goldfish" or "betta" died. 98% of everyone on yahoo
answers doesn't keep their pets properly. Nobody ever
does the research to know how to take care of their
pets. The people at the pet stores often give faulty
and lethal information so they will always have
customers coming back to replace dead fish.

Then its just sad how many ask for help and then
ignore the right answers because so many idiots put up
the wrong and often easy way out answers.

Bettas are one of my favorite fish and it pisses me
off when I see them mistreated or read about them
being tortured in tiny bowls.

Oh if your touching your bettas they become more
susceptible to getting sick, human oils break down the
slime coat on the fish. You can still pet your
fishy, I feed a few of mine by hand, just buy a stress
coat product. This will help keep and restore slime
coat on the fish.

I own 13 bettas, 9 males 4 girls. I have all but 1
betta in filtered tank, when I tried him a filtered
tank he was scared of the filer and didn't eat till I
moved him back to a non filtered tank. A day after
being in his 2.5g tank he was his bite the hands that
feeds him self again. All my tanks are eclipse 3-5
system tanks. These are ideal for small fish and
bettas. They are not good for goldfish though.

Goldfish the other fish that gets that most grief
besides a betta. They are not easy to keep and need
alot of water to keep them healthy. If properly cared
for a goldfish can live 18-40 years depending on the
species. I suggest just looking for a good 30g,
minimum, a 55g tank is ideal, try to get it as a tank
kit that comes with everything. Get a pair of gold
fish and let them run the place. Good tank mates
include, white cloud minnows and some cold water

If you live out where theres not much around, try for all your critical fish supplies.

Good luck with your future fish keeping.
you may be feeding them to much betas dont need to be feed to often, they are farily hardy fish also what kind of filter are u using / ones with bio wheels work the best for betas they add the naturall bacteria that beatas need in the water to live if you cahnce the water to regularly then u will eliminate the good bacteria that they need in the water

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