It would really nice to have those attractive fish, my friend had some 2 and they looked so awesome!
What tank requirements do they need?
Whats their ph, water hardness, temp, gallon requirement? Do they do good unigender or mixed gender, in pairs, alone? does the water need to be action packed or not?
Or are they just like any other tropical fish?
Water is easy for them. I kept mine at 76F, 7.0ph 9dgh, 3dkh, 0.06% salinity.
Increase the temperature to 78-80 to make them breed like bunnies.
I kept crystalwort %26 java moss in the tank loose for them to build spit %26 vegetable nests out of.
Slower moving water is good, lighting is irrelevant one way or another (i had mine in a 36g under 110 watts of light).
They will eat flake food %26 freeze dried foods well. They're not very picky.
Social aspects are the hardest part of the fish to work on. The males can be very territorial. Most tanks can only handle one or two males, with 3 females per male. They're also hostile to other community fish, especially those of the splendin family (like bettas), so you have to pick your tankmates carefully. The males are pretty skilled fighters for their size.
If you only have one female for a male, he will bang her to death with mating attempts.
No cavework is necessary, they spend most of their time at the top %26 middle of the tank.
The only thing I didn't like about them was how much space they needed. For one colorful male to take up so much space for his personal territory was too much for me. I preferred to have other fish that could be kept at higher densities.
These guys seemed to catch ICK really easially from the stress of moving them from the store to home. They got rid of it pretty easially also. Extra salt %26 temperature did the trick for me.
Edit: For your tank size, get 1 male %26 3 females. The male will kill any other males in a tank that size.
Dwarf gouramis are great little fish. They are taken care of like most tropical community fish. They do prefer slower moving water but not still. Most dwarfs with lots of color are male. I would not keep more than 1 male in a tank that size. If you can get females ordered in for you than you can have several. In my experiance anything smaller than a 55 gal can be too small for 2 aggressive dwarfs (not common but I dont like taking the chance a fish I bring home is going to die because of its tnak mate). Good Luck!
This will answer your questions...
I have 5 of them. Along with 5 clown loaches, 4 red tailed silver barbs, 6 tiger barbs, 3 yo yo loaches, 2 polka dot Burmese Border loaches, 2 plecostumus, 5 Australian rainbows, 1 striped peacock eel, and 1 African Albino underwater frog. Very easy to take care of. They can be kept in a tropical community tank. Every now and again they can get slightly aggressive, but this is rare and they're pretty small and won't do much damage. Temp is between 76-83F. pH bewteen 6.8-7.6 (7.2 ideal for community) They can live in hard water, but I have adjusted mine to soft because of the others. I believe I have 2 males and 3 females they seem fine. Really the only requirement is a floating or slow sinking food because they like to stay at the top most of the time. My tank is semi action packed and they seem to do just fine. You could probably keep up to 10 in a 10 gallon, they will only get 3in max
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