wot temp do you keep the water,iv got a heater and iv set it at 21c,is that rght.does eny one no a good book on keeping tropical fish.
Here two good free books.
in a fish tank... hahahahhahahahhaahhahahhahahah...
They keep for months in the freezer.
i didn't read a book. a dvd came with my aquariam. all the advice i can give u is to remember to clean the tank. the fish really die!
you : how do you keep tropical fish ?
me : you don't , easy if you do not know don't do it !
Okay first its better if you buy a larger tank 10 gallon to 20 will be enough to keep the tank at room temp. and a heater would not be required, as long as you keep you house normal.
2 tropical fish will die, think of it this way: at least 1 out of every
3 fish you buy will die. this is natural.
Dont over clean your fish tank.
Dont stick foreign objects in the tank (no sponges from the kitchen sink)
Dont use chemicals to clean the tank
Dont over feed fish
etc.. hope that helps, feel free to email for more advice.
In an aquarium with clean slightly warm water and a little food. READ a book,and start slow and learn from experience.
try this site, lots of info and it's free to become a member:
The temp should be 26c with a ph of 7, lights should be kept on for 10-12 hours if your live plants or less with plastic ones, get the right size filter as well, try this site practical fishkeeping magazine
21c is a bit cold,keep temp between 24c-26c and speek to the people who sell you your fish,good luck
All books that guide you in the hobby is useful, and in your own words..''good''
But fish-rearing isn't that basic, there is no definite temperature for all fish types, they differ according to their natural habitat.
You should study the species you wish to rear before initiating further adjustments to your tank.
21 Is too cold for tropical freshwater fish. The only things that live at that temperature are Goldfish and other coldwater species like paradise fish. If you put a tropical fish in water that cold, they'll be prone to illness.
24.4 to 25.5 is the ideal temperature for most tropical fish.
Go to www.fishforums.net - they have lots of threads about beginner set ups and if you have a question not covered you can pose it in the forum - some people are a bit odd... but overall you can get great advice from people who have successfully kept fish for many years and really know their stuff.
firstly i would add about a 3 to 4 inch deep layer of gravel at the base of the tank you can buy it from any good pet shop i would also add some features in the tank such as a bridge or ship a diving helmet maybe or a no fishing sign etc make their home interesting for them to live in add some plants real ones are better as they oxygenate the water and provide natural food for the fish but plastic ones are ok
fill the tank with tepid water from tap within about 1inch from top of tank the heater set at 21 c or 71 f is just about perfect i try to ensure mine never rises above 24 c 75 f it does vary though depending on time of year in the summer i turn my heater down a bit and in the winter turn it up a bit accordingly it can also depend where you place the tank keep an eye on temperature especially if the tank is near a radiator for instance this will allow temperature to fluctuate greatly and it is better to keep it away from an appliance like that if possible.
fit the lighting tubes into hood of the tank lid they need to be left on for about 10 to 12 hours a day this simulates artificial daylight for the fish but try not to leave on any longer than this as the light along with the heat will allow algae to grow after 10 to 12 hours turn off the lights to simulate night time it is fascinating watching fish sleep i have my lights on a timer switch makes life so much easier
set up the filtration unit make sure that you do not turn it on until it is submerged under water especially if it is a fluval type this needs to be kept running constantly as this prevents toxins building up in the water and killing your fish eg rotting food or fish waste
it is a personal choice and by no means vital but i would strongly recommend the additon of airstones they are relatively cheap 拢2 or 拢3 pounds and provide valuable extra oxygen in the water which makes the water much more fish friendly as the more oxygen in the water the more active they can be
now you are just about ready to go i would strongly recommend especially if it is a brand new tank to let the filters and airstones run for about a week before introducing any fish i would also strongly advise you add water additives to purify it and get things like ammonia and nitrates out of the water as they are very harmful to fish last thing you want is to stock it with 拢30 quids worth of fish and lose them because water is not correct look for fluids like ammo lock and safe water they are available from any good pet shop i would also do a ph test to check your water i try to keep mine below 5
now we get to the bit you have been waitng for the fish drumroll for a new tank and especially if you are new to keeping tropical fish i would only add the following breeds of fish these are all really placid and good community fish and really easy to keep and maintain and dont really need any special kind of food some fish require bloodworm and other supplements i would keep it simple with these types initailly yuo can always add to it as you go along the fish i would recommend are:
neon tetras - best in small shoals of 6 or more
black widow tetras - again around 6 is a good number
mollys/guppys - i would introduce both males and females and your fish count will increase naturally quite quickly i would add around 10 to 12 of these to start there are some beautifully coloured fish available
plectomus / cat fish / loach - i would add a minmum of one of these if not two as they live off the algae and help to keep tank clean
snails and frogs - these also help to keep tank nice and clean
ok so thats the fish taken care of and settled now lets look at the type of food you should feed them and how much of it and how often
the tetra's guppy's and molly's will be quite happy with flake i personally prefer aquarian it offers good value for money and nutrititon for the fish its around 拢4 or 5 for a big tub
the catfish and loaches will be happy with algae wafers again around 拢 3 or 4 pound a tub mark
the frogs and snails will live off the algae wafers too
i would feed only 2 or 3 algae wafers and as regards flake you dont want to feed a lot just a couple of small pinches will be enough try to leave the flakes as big as you can it makes the food easier to find for the fish i only feed every other day its best to keep them on the hungry side keeps them more active and healthy overfeeding can cause toxins in the water as food not eaten will begin to rot which in turn can kill the fish
hope this helps you get started as for books there are loads in any good pet shops im sure you will find one that is most suitable for you good luck
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